

College textbooks are expensive. They can cost hundreds of dollars from the bookstore. Even worse, everyone knows that when you try to sell them back you get a fraction of what you initially paid. Some professors are opting to post PDFS of their books on class websites. However if you’re still stuck buying a $300 chemistry book here are a few ways you could save some money.

  • Buy Online- go to sites like amazon, slugbooks, ebay, anything other than your campus bookstore. It will save you money. Guaranteed. You can also sometimes get lucky and find used copies of the latest edition.
  • Rent- this one could be controversial. You pay much less than buying the textbook however you have to return it and you have no means of making some money back at the end
  • Selling- Even if you have already bought a full priced book at the bookstore, don’t sell it back to them. Instead spend a little time putting the book online to sell. You’ll have to ship it and spend a couple minutes bringing it to the post office or UPS but it’s worth the money that you’ll get back!

How To Study More Effectively



Midterms, finals, or any exam can bring a lot of stress. Here are a few tips to help you study better for all of your tests.


  • Organize your notes and have everything in one place
  • Find a quiet study place, whether it be a library, park, computer lab. (basically any place where you won’t be distracted or tempted to sleep)
  • Time management. This one is important. I’ve crammed for exams  and didn’t do as well as I had hoped. Studying the night before does not usually yield very good grades and should be avoided at all costs.
  • Make flash cards. These can be tedious but they usually help when it comes to basic memorization.
  • Study groups. If you have friends in a class it could be very beneficial to share notes and study together.



From Summer to Semester

You are no longer doing this:

You are now doing this:

And you wish you could do this:

Getting back into the college mindset, in my opinion, is very difficult. You’ve spent the last few months without the stress of exams and papers and everything that school entails. Now you’re trying to figure out how to switch from summer mode to school mode. It’s important to spend some time getting adjusted so that you’re ready and prepared for the upcoming semester.

Whether you’re living in a dorm, at home, or off campus housing, it’s important to get settled. Don’t wait until the last possible day to move in. It’s so much easier if you have everything organized and in it’s place before the start of the school year. Make sure you have all of your books, notebooks, etc. ready to go. This way you won’t be running around trying to get everything ready the first day of classes.


On a more serious note, internships are extremely important. They will help you get ahead and essentially give you the “experience” that some employers are looking for once you graduate. It may be unpaid, and it may eat up some of your summer hours, but it will be well worth it in the end. I wish someone would have told me as a freshman to take internships more seriously and apply to more of them. The summer going into my sophomore year I applied to may

be 5 or 6 internships. I had no idea how many you had to apply to in order to actually get hired. I have an average GPA and have been involved in a few programs and fundraisers. This unfortunately does not stand out. When applying to an internship try to figure out what could set you apart from the hundred of other applicants. Another thing that I have learned is that you should apply to as many internships (that you are interested in) as possible. Doing so increases your chances of not only getting an internship but getting a paid one aswell. Another important thing is networking. Take your internships seriously. Get to know you coworkers and your superiors. It’s possible for an internship to lead to a full-time job.



The Hangover

You wake up,  your heads pounding, and your housemates are cooking bacon in the kitchen and despite your love for bacon the smell is just making you more nauseous. These are a few symptoms of the typical hangover. Sometimes I wake up and want to eat everything, but other times I can’t even eat a piece of toast without crying. You’ve had your night of fun but now you’re regretting everything you drank and even the sight of alcohol can make you cringe. This is also probably when you text your friends saying that “I’m never drinking again”. You feel awful. Now what?

Here a few things that can help alleviate these awful symptoms that you brought upon yourself:

  • H20. Drink this stuff. A lot of it. The best thing is to try to drink a bottle of water before bed but if it’s too late for that try to drink water as soon as you wake up to rehydrate your body.
  • Eat. Some people say greasy foods help, others say they eat fruit or drink smoothies to feel better. Either way, eating is essential in curing your hangover
  • Ibuprofen. Any minor pain reliever should help make that pounding headache go away.
  • Sleep/rest (if you can)

Ultimately, it’s better to drink in moderation or not drink at all; but 21st’s and graduations sometimes lead to drinking a little too much.


Finals Week

This is typically how it all beings….

You realize that finals are only two weeks away.

The 33 Stages Of Finals Week


You’ve managed to get decent grades all year. A’s, B’s and C’s. You look at your syllabus and realize that your final is worth 40% of your grade. This is a substantial amount but don’t panic. If you’re one of those who guzzle coffee and cram until 4 am the night before the final these little tips might help make finals week a little more bearable.


Plan Ahead 

This one is easier said than done but it really helps. You have a paper due and a final exam on the same day. Waiting until the last minute probably won’t  get you a good grade, and if you can pull that off, I’m jealous.

  • -Set goals for the day/week
  • -Set aside  time to study days or even better a week or two before the exam/project



I know we’ve all heard this one a million times but it really does help. If you study ahead of time you’re not as likely to end up cramming the night before. When it comes to food, personally, i think there’s nothing worse than forgetting to eat before an exam. When this happens to me, literally all I can think about during the exam is finishing it and whether I want Hansel or Stuffyerface for lunch.


Meet with your Professor/TA

My freshman year I was terrified of a handful of my professors. But truth be told most of them do actually want to help. If you’re confused about a chapter or need help with your paper ask, they’ll usually end up helping.




How to Play Beer Pong

Beer Pong is a game that many students will encounter during their college careers. It’s fun inside and it’s even better when it’s sunny and warm outside. Instead of giving a boring text step by step here’s a more helpful guide with visuals of this classic college game.

Freshman Vs. Senior Year

In four years you’re bound to grow and mature. There was a buzz feed article that noted a few differences between freshman and senior year. It’s accurate and pretty funny. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/the-difference-between-freshman-year-and-senior-year-in-coll

Freshman year: running into high school friends on summer break.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Senior year:

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: waking up late for a class.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: on the meal plan.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Senior year: eating ramen.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: going to bars.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: studying for exams.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: making a friend in class.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Senior year: seeing said friend on campus.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: getting dressed for the first day of class.

Freshman year: when someone you just met adds you on Facebook.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: worrying about passing an exam.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Senior year: worrying about getting a job.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: your choice of alcohol.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year: signing up for classes.

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Freshman year:

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College

Senior year:

The Difference Between Freshman Year And Senior Year In College




The first week of school is exciting, new and scary. My first week sucked. I’ll attribute this to my awful roommate and the fact that it was ridiculously hot and my dorm had no AC. With these factors and a combination of a few other things I ended up sleeping in my friends room for the first few weeks. On that note, there are a few things that I think every roommate should try to not do.

  • The Pig- There’s a difference between being messy and being straight up disgusting. Leaving your clothes around is one thing but leaving moldy ramen in the corner of the room isn’t exactlyA roommate material. Leaving your dishes in the sink for days is bound to piss some of your roommates off and should be avoided at all costs. The amount of “house meetings” and arguments that I have experienced would never have happened if we all just kept our things clean.
  • The Promiscuous One- Maybe you’ve experienced this first hand, or seen it in a movie, or maybe you are that person but bringing random people back for a drunken hookup several times a week can get annoying if you’re sharing a room with someone. Being “sexiled” is never fun.
  • The Crook- Some people like to “borrow” clothes and then you never the article of clothing ever again. Some like to steal your headphones and hope you don’t notice. Others use your milk all semester because they’re too lazy to go out and buy their own.


Worst Roommate Tale

“My potluck roommate, freshman year: Francie.

I arrived in the room with my parents, and she was already settled. She was sharpening a massive knife. My dad joked and asked if she was preparing for a really bad roommate. She informed us it was a hunting knife and that she had gutted “tons of deer” with it.

Weeks passed and Francie began to skip all of her classes, leading to a lot of phone calls to the room. She ate fried chicken in her bed, leaving the greasy boxes in her bed, in a pile of dirty laundry, papers, and other random objects. She slept under this pile. It smelled. The pile was usually peaked by her television – all on her little twin bed.

She left her car in teacher’s spots and acquired so many parking tickets that she got towed. She had all-day phone arguments with her parents, who at some point acquired my phone number and started calling me to make Francie do things. In the interests of them leaving me alone, I would deliver their messages with a little bit of teenage rebel voice, so she didn’t think I was trying to be a narc, but I was fed up with her being in the room and never going anywhere also. I wanted her to go to class and leave me alone and eat fried chicken somewhere else.

One day, I finally said, “Look, I need your parents to stop calling me – why can’t you just do what they say or at least not be an idiot and get a million parking tickets that they have to pay for, so they don’t know you’re being ridiculous?!” She said, “fine, be a bitch.”

Later that day I came back from class or some activity and she had taken her hunting knife to my mattress, a lot of my clothes, our rug, our bean bag chair, and had killed a squirrel with it and left it in my bed. I called her parents and threatened to press charges. They wrote me a big old check and she got kicked out of school for failing everything, having that knife, smoking in the dorm room, and bringing an animal carcass inside. I didn’t even have to tattle on her.”



With all the awful things that roommates can do sometimes they can become your best friends and the best roommates ever.